Разработчики Electrum сообщили о многочисленных фишинговых клонах популярного криптовалютного кошелька.
В частности, они предупредили о псевдо-Electrum-кошельке для Stellar:
Alert: electrum-xlm [dot] info is Bitcoin-stealing malware. There is no way to easily port wallet software from Bitcoin to Stellar, because these are completely different projects. Please do not download altcoin variants of Electrum, unless you really know what you are doing.
— Electrum (@ElectrumWallet) January 11, 2019
Также разработчики сообщили, что не имеют никакого отношения к проекту Electrum Dark.
We are not related to the #electrumdark project, and they are using our name without our permission. Please be very careful with altcoin versions of Electrum, as they are sometimes used as a vector to install malware that targets your real Bitcoin wallet.
— Electrum (@ElectrumWallet) January 9, 2019
When you download Electrum for any cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin, you are downloading software that is not endorsed by us, and you are likely to download malware aimed at your bitcoin wallet. Do not expect integrity from people who promote sh*tcoins.
— Electrum (@ElectrumWallet) January 3, 2019
Недавно произошла фишинговая атака, направленная на пользователей кошелька Electrum, благодаря которой хакеру удалось заполучить около 200 BTC. Разработчики оперативно выпустили новую версию, в которой исключаются подобные действия.
Warning: there is an ongoing phishing attack against Electrum users, where rogue Electrum servers ask users to install malware. We released version 3.3.2, which mitigates the attack. See https://t.co/Y2DXoUyOgk
— Electrum (@ElectrumWallet) December 31, 2018
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